Monday, February 25, 2008

Daddy's Driving

While we were traveling to the cabin last year, I received a speeding warning by a highway patrol near Douglas, WY. Just an hour or so later, I received a speeding ticket outside of Lusk. Since then, Paige has ensured that I drive slower by checking my speed against the speed limit signs. When coming back from the mountains a couple weeks ago, a car went by us at high speed and Paige said, "that's how you used to drive, Daddy...but now you are a great driver!"

To Grandma Kathy's Girl!!

Hi Paigy, Wow, how cool is this that you have a blog!

I am counting the days until we see you at the cabin. It is going to be so much fun. I hope you are as excited as I am.

What is your favorite treat to have?

What are you looking forward to doing at the cabin?

I am looking the most forward to giving you a really BIG HUG AND KISS.

Love you so much Paigy,
Grandma Kathy

Sunday, February 24, 2008

First Words, Blankie, First Steps

The first word for Paige was "shoes". She liked to play with the shoes lined up under a bench by our front door (base housing, Incirlik AB Turkey). Soon to follow were "hold you" instead of hold me.

Paige called her blankie "bee". Her blankie was just a little green knotted piece of yarn by the time we decommissioned it.

Paige didn't walk until about 14 months. Her first spanking was when she walked into the street in Turkey. Her second spanking was when she stomped on a bug on the sidewalk after I told her not to do that (only kill something if necessary).

Mommy's Bra

On 30 May 2002 (in Turkey), Paige held Mommy's bra up to her own chest.

Blow Your Nose

At just a couple years old, Paige would blow air up to her nose when we said, "blow your nose."

Purple Dog

On 11 Mar 2003, Paige told us that she wanted a purple dog for a pet!


Paige was named after a tender-hearted girl named Paige Seibert, whom we met when we purchased our home from her parents in 1997. Paige Seibert is now a sophmore in college.

First email from Grandma Kathy

Sent 19 Sep 2000...while stationed at Incirlik AB, Turkey.

Dear Paige,

lsssssssjdkjjnvkl;ajreio;akejkl;zauioaie;kj;laigjl;lai;jgl;eialgi4el;aoi4e;lagoiie;laugfielilj aldialwugioekluigoelaia.oak.dogioeolajoigjileioajlgjiepqopjlk;glm

'This is Grandma talk for I think you are the sweetest girl in the wholewide world and I love you and miss you very much!! Keep writing.


Saturday, February 23, 2008

Dancing with Jesus

On Thurs, 21 Feb, Angi went to the "Spirit of the Marathon" movie with her running partner Courtney. Paige, Grace, and I were jamming to some Christian music (News Boys). At one point while we were dancing, Paige and I held one hand and lift up our other hand in praise. Paige said, "Dad let's hold hands with Jesus!"