Sunday, May 25, 2008

Letter from Bumpa

3 May 08

Dear Paige,

What a great day I had. I went to my mailbox to get my mail and there was a letter from one of my best pals. As I was reading my letter from you out dropped a picture of this real pretty girl. When I looked closer, I see it is from my sweet little Paige, and it is a picture of her. Thank you so much for the picture and the great letter. I really enjoyed both very much. We always have so much fun together. I wish you weren't so far a way. Kobe says hi and tell your Dad that he knew he [Kobe] was the MVP [Lakers].

Also thanks to Mom & Dad and Grace for the real nice card [picture of Boston Bull Terrier on front]. Kobe liked it a lot and so do I.

Please write me a letter whenever you get time. I love you a lot Paige, and I love getting a letter from you.

Hope I will always be your best pal.

Love, Bumpa

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Birthday Fruit Salad!

Paige wanted a fruit salad for her birthday cake! She also had Mommy's manicotti for her birthday dinner.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Already a Star!

When practicing for the First Holy Communion Mass, Paige was watching some of her classmates practice the prayer intentions. She leaned over and said, "I should probably do that sometime, so I have practice if I become a star [speaking in front of lots of people]." Of course, Paige is already a star...of our hearts!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

First Holy Communion

Dear Family,

An important celebration is happening this Sunday. Dearest little Paigy will be making her First Communion. As the love of God shines down and within our sweet Paigy lets flood her day with our special prayers and love!

Wish I could be there, but in my mind I can imagine the sweet purity of her sweet little face and soul.

Paigy, We will call you on your very special day with Jesus.

We love you SO SO MUCH!!
Grandma Kathy and Papa Joe
Hi, Friends in Christ:

Please join us in celebrating Paige's First Holy Communion at 1030, Sun, 4 May, St Peter Church in Monument...followed by a picnic in Fox Run Park (bring comfortable shoes if you want to play catch with the frisbee or football). The Mass will be packed, so please arrive no later than 1015 to get a seat. We will provide the picnic food and drink...just bring yourself. If the weather is bad, we will have the celebration at our house. Please let us know if you are able to attend by Wed, 30 Apr. Hope you can join this sacred event and joyful celebration!

Pat, Angi, Paige, and Grace
Phil 4:13