Monday, March 16, 2009

Farmer's Blow!

Paige overheard me telling Angi that I saw Drew Hauffe do a great farmer's blow while he running. Paige said, "what is that...a toot?" That adds a whole new meaning to farmer's blow!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

God sightings

Before Mass, Paige asked Angi why we don't see rainbows more often. The reading was then about a raindow. Coincidence? I think not!

Angi offered this story regarding today's devotion verse..."Whatever you did for one of did for me." Matthew 25:40 Angi said: "This Bible verse is very fitting as I just pulled this out and said it to the girls on Sunday after we gave a man a Mcdonald's gift card-he was standing at the exit of king soopers holding sign saying "out of work with 3 kids to feed"-He said God bless you thank you so much-I then blessed him back and told the girls about this verse-Paige said that God was probably right there with the man."

Angi sent this clarification: "Grace said that God was standing right by the man-they corrected me last night-good to know that Grace is getting it also."