Sunday, November 21, 2010

First Piano Recital

First Piano Recital (with Susan, 17 Oct 2010).

Saturday, November 20, 2010

First Pheasant Hunt

Paige walked along for her first pheasant hunt on 30 Oct 2010...on a grassy habitat owned by the Eiler family...near Paige's grandparents farm (Dewey, IL). Paige hunted with John Shannon and her Dad...seeing over 50 pheasants in a couple hours of hunting. She even shot a 12 gauge shotgun! We plan to hunt again over Thanksgiving.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunday, September 5, 2010

IL vs MO football game

I took Paige to the IL vs MO football game in the St. Louis dome (with John Shannon and Shane Hall). Before the game, she had peach pie for breakfast. During the game, she had cotton candy. After the game, we had a sub at Planet Sub. We met up with Angi and Grace for Mass at the Bascilica and then ate together at Pi Pizza. After the game, Paige said, "That was the best day...dessert for breakfast, cotton candy (first time), and a football game with my Dad!" The cost of the day for me? Priceless!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Prairie Girl, John Deere

You know it is time to mow when your daughter says, "look Dad, I'm a prairie girl running through the prairie grass!" Had a nice cool evening (last week) to fire up the John Deere mower (comes with marrying the farmer's daughter)...and there was much rejoicing!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Generous Hearts

Paige and Grace know we are running to raise funds for the Alpha Center crisis pregnancy bus. They insisted on donating from their very limited $ stash (from picking weeds and bag worms): Paige ($5) and Grace ($1.10). Blessings to all who sacrifice to protect the Unborn (and parents).

Saturday, July 17, 2010

We believe in Santa Claus!

Paige asked me today if I believed in Santa Claus. I said yes. She said some kids told her that parents are Santa Claus. After visiting with Angi, we decided it was time to have the Santa Claus talk. I reminded Paige that Santa Claus is St. Nicholas who was a generous bishop who gave to the needy (from Turkey). I asked her who St. Nicholas imitated..."Jesus." Then, I explained that Angi and I followed the example of St. Nicholas in imitating the generosity of Christ...that we carried on the Spirit of Santa Claus rooted in our Christian faith. Therefore, we believe in Santa Claus!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Dash & Splash 5K

A friend stood with Paige and Grace while Angi and I ran the Dash & Splash 5K in Collinsville, IL. Grace told my friend that I would get 3rd...and I did. After the race, Paige said, "Why did you let those two guys beat you?!" I didn't have any choice...they were faster! After the race, we all enjoyed the water park.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Funny stuff

While driving to Branson last week, we saw a rough looking bull on a trailer going down the interstate. Paige said, "Is he going to drop him off at the humane society or did he get picked up there. He looks beat up."

While at Silver Dollar City amusement park, we watch someone do glass making. I mentioned that I did "glass blowing" for a chemistry class at the Academy (hot glass looks like cold glass...ouch!). A couple days later, Paige said, "Dad, did your glass ball break when you were bowling?"

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Picking Strawberries!

Picking Strawberries at Eckert's Orchard (Belleville, IL) on 22 May 10.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

"a practice" confession

Fr. Chris (Alton IL) took me fishing on Monday. I did the Sacrament of Reconciliation with Fr. Chris on the drive back Sacrament...a first for both of us! Angi made us a yummy dinner. After dinner, Fr. Chris also offered the Sacrament of Reconciliation to Paige and Angi. Paige said she had the Sacrament scheduled next week at school, so this could just be "a practice." Fr. Chris smiled and said it would be for real. We all had grace-filled confessions. Thanks be to God!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

missing the mountains

Paige is apparently missing the mountains. Yesterday at school, she drew a picture of herself with "Colorado" on her shirt. This morning, I commented on her crazy bed head, and she said, "My hair misses the mountains, so it sticks up." Ha!