Monday, February 25, 2008

To Grandma Kathy's Girl!!

Hi Paigy, Wow, how cool is this that you have a blog!

I am counting the days until we see you at the cabin. It is going to be so much fun. I hope you are as excited as I am.

What is your favorite treat to have?

What are you looking forward to doing at the cabin?

I am looking the most forward to giving you a really BIG HUG AND KISS.

Love you so much Paigy,
Grandma Kathy

1 comment:

Pat Castle said...

Dear Grandma Kathy,

This is my first blog comment ever.

My favorite treat at the cabin is manicotti that you make!

I am looking forward to pretty bird!

I want to give you a really, really, really BIG KISS and HUG!

Love, Paige Castle