Thursday, April 24, 2008

Spanish teacher note

From Paige's Spanish teacher:

Hi Angi:

Paige was adorable todayJ. She drew a picture of chili pepper plants because I read them a story about them. I told her it was a great job. She gave it to me. I’ll try to show it to you soon. She’s very giving.


Monday, April 21, 2008

Dance Party

We had a dance party listening to my great birthday cd (Christian WOW) from Mom and Dad C. See attached pictures.

Birthday Squirrel

Paige bought me a stuffed animal squirrel for my birthday...with her own money (all of it)! The squirrel is significant because I call Paige and Grace my squirrels. Squirrels rhymes nicely with girls and describes some of their behaviors!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Daddy's "Antelope Eyes"

While snuggling Paige last night, she told me the my eyes were "dark like antelope eyes." That's me...the wild mountain antelope, running up Pikes Peak!

First Soccer Goal!

Paige scored the first goal of the season for her Wildcats team yesterday...her first soccer goal! Angi and I both got to see it.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Note from Mrs. Nader

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Castle,

This week we have had a few difficult times with a behavior issue. During each time, Paige has not only been respectful and responsible, she has been a leader and set an example for others to follow. When most of the class chose to take advantage of the situation, Paige pulled out a book and read. I am not only proud of her, I am very appreciative. She is an amazing young lady.

Mrs. Nader