Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Note from Mrs. Nader

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Castle,

This week we have had a few difficult times with a behavior issue. During each time, Paige has not only been respectful and responsible, she has been a leader and set an example for others to follow. When most of the class chose to take advantage of the situation, Paige pulled out a book and read. I am not only proud of her, I am very appreciative. She is an amazing young lady.

Mrs. Nader

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dearest Sweet Granddaughter Paige,

Grandma Kathy and Papa are so proud of you! You sound like a model student. Think of the great example that you set for the rest of the students with your self control. It shows that you have a great love of God and you also respect your parents who have taught you to be a good girl.

We wish you were here so we could give you a big hug and kiss. Dakota said he would like to also give you a big sloppy dog kiss.

Keep up the good work!

Grandma Kathy and Papa Joe