Saturday, November 29, 2008

Grandma Castle pearl necklace (from picture)

Aunt Kay gave Paige Grandma Castle's pearl necklace...the one from the picture that we all have. Looks like Grandma was in her 20's in the picture. Aunt Kay said this, "I was told to give it one of nieces that was "grounded to nature, art, and faith. Paige won out--I wanted to give it to her for her First Communion to wear. So, please understand, it was a choice I made and I do not want others to know. Others will get "items" from me eventually as time goes on. Grandma Castle was 21 years old when she had the picture taken; it was orginally B&W but hand colored but the guy who did it, placed her hair in black not brown but it is still a a lovely picture of her--her "flapper days" by the way. Grandma Castle was born 14 Sept 1908 in Aur Hus Denmark (Eleanor Marie Christina Christiansen). Grandpa George Castle was born 27 Jan 1902 io Fairfield South Dakota."

In response to the thank you note Paige sent Aunt Kay:

"PS Your Great-Grandma Castle would love your drawings Paige; I know she is aware of you and Grace. She so loved her grandchildren. I want you to know that she was very devote in her faith. Her favorite Saint is St. Theresa, Little Flower; she named your Grand-Aunt Theresa after her. Whenever I am walking out in Forest in thinking of my mother, I aways smell roses even when there is not a bush around even wild roses. I know that she is telling me, she is present to me. Your Great Grand Grandma loved dance, like Grace and too she love to sing and tell stories or joke around to make us laugh. So keep up the dancing, the drawing, and simply being little girls. Love with prayers, Great-Grand Aunt Kay"

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Favorite Food? "Body and Blood of Jesus"

* Our daughter Grace (5) recently asked our daughter Paige (8), "What is your favorite food?" Paige said, "the Body and Blood of Jesus...and then mac & cheese." Jesus said to them (John 6:54), "Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day." Hopefully, the Body and Blood of Christ is our favorite food, based on eternal nourishment (top of the "food guide pyramid"!). Let's consider saying this when asked about our favorite food (hopefully they will ask why...and we will share our faith!). The word Eucharist (Body and Blood of Christ) literally means "give thanks" (to God!). Thanks be to God for Paige's gift of faith...and thanks to Paige for another great "Christian ID" tip.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Presidential Election

Ever since learning that McCain/ Palin are ProLife (unlike the Democratic candidates), Paige (8 yrs old) has been campaigning for them. She made campaign posters and taped a McCain bumper sticker to her bedroom door. However, Paige had a major set back yesterday when she found out that her sister Grace (5 yrs old) voted for Obama in the elementary school mock election. When Paige confronted her on this, Grace said, "I couldn't remember the right name!" I hope and pray that America will remember the right name today...