Saturday, November 22, 2008

Favorite Food? "Body and Blood of Jesus"

* Our daughter Grace (5) recently asked our daughter Paige (8), "What is your favorite food?" Paige said, "the Body and Blood of Jesus...and then mac & cheese." Jesus said to them (John 6:54), "Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day." Hopefully, the Body and Blood of Christ is our favorite food, based on eternal nourishment (top of the "food guide pyramid"!). Let's consider saying this when asked about our favorite food (hopefully they will ask why...and we will share our faith!). The word Eucharist (Body and Blood of Christ) literally means "give thanks" (to God!). Thanks be to God for Paige's gift of faith...and thanks to Paige for another great "Christian ID" tip.

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