Saturday, October 17, 2009

St. Mary's (Alton, IL)

* Today's devotion picture is our daughter Paige (9) praying at St. Mary's church in Alton, IL on 10 Oct. Paige asked Fr. Chris if it would be ok topray at the tabernacle. [I met Fr.Chris the weekend prior at the St. Louis airport when I was heading to theTC Marathon (for ProLife).] Paige's role model is Blessed Mother Teresa, ever since we watched a movie about her. Paige wrote me a note that said,"Be like Mother Teresa"...I have it posted in my home office (aka man cave). Let's encourage our children to consider all vocations and to listen for God's call.

* Grandma Kathy wrote: "Dear Pat and Angi, This was the picture of our precious Paigy I took home with me from our visit. My guess is that it is one you will always retain this in your mind too. With much love, Always, Mom"

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