Sunday, December 28, 2008

Daddy's Love

A couple nights ago, Grace asked me if I would read her a book. Before I replied, Paige said, "Hey Grace, he is your Dad...he will do anything for you."

Soccer Team (undefeated!)

Paige was fortunate to be part of an undefeated soccer team this Fall! She played goalie in her final game (black shirt in picture).

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Freckle rubbed off

While visiting the museum of natural history yesterday, Angi noticed a black smudge on Paige's face. Paige was upset because she thought one of her freckles rubbed off!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Seeing your Daddy


I think it was so neat that you said the best part of your Daddy's Chemistry magic show was seeing your Daddy.

Guess what? I felt the same way when he did a show for me.

Daddy's Mom
(Grandma Kathy)

Learning to Ride

Dearest Paige,

Last August, we watched you learn how to ride your bike without training wheels! You were brave and kept trying even though it was frustrating at times. You had a few mishaps and bruises, but didn't get discouraged. You kept trying. All of a sudden, it got it! We were so proud of you.

This Thanksgiving we visited, and discovered that it was time for a new bike, because you had grown so. It was fun going shopping with you. I told you that Papa and I wanted to get you a new bike for Christmas. You were hesitant. I think you thought it was too much money. Once I convinced you it was OK, you started looking the bikes over and your gaze kept coming back to the bright pink and purple Hannah Montana bike. Sure enough, that was the one you picked. It was a beautiful bike and you got to ride it to the checkout. People commented, "Look! that little girl just got a new bike!" You looked so proud! And we were happy too!

We hope you will remember the lesson you learned when learning to ride the bike and learning how to swim too. Sometimes things seem almost impossible, but if you persevere (just keep trying to do your best) it happens. You get it!!! What a great feeling it is!!! God gives you special gifts and when you do your best, it makes God smile and it makes you smile : - ) too!

Paigy, we are very proud of you and love you very much!!

Grandma Kathy and Papa Joe

Monday, December 15, 2008

Chem Magic Show (feedback)

I did a Chem Magic Show for Grace's class today, and Paige got to join us. Grace said her favorite parts were the hydrogen balloon fire ball and when I talked funny with helium. Paige said her favorite part was "just seeing my Dad." This was the best feedback I have ever received from a Chem Magic Show...thank you, Paige!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Grandma Castle pearl necklace (from picture)

Aunt Kay gave Paige Grandma Castle's pearl necklace...the one from the picture that we all have. Looks like Grandma was in her 20's in the picture. Aunt Kay said this, "I was told to give it one of nieces that was "grounded to nature, art, and faith. Paige won out--I wanted to give it to her for her First Communion to wear. So, please understand, it was a choice I made and I do not want others to know. Others will get "items" from me eventually as time goes on. Grandma Castle was 21 years old when she had the picture taken; it was orginally B&W but hand colored but the guy who did it, placed her hair in black not brown but it is still a a lovely picture of her--her "flapper days" by the way. Grandma Castle was born 14 Sept 1908 in Aur Hus Denmark (Eleanor Marie Christina Christiansen). Grandpa George Castle was born 27 Jan 1902 io Fairfield South Dakota."

In response to the thank you note Paige sent Aunt Kay:

"PS Your Great-Grandma Castle would love your drawings Paige; I know she is aware of you and Grace. She so loved her grandchildren. I want you to know that she was very devote in her faith. Her favorite Saint is St. Theresa, Little Flower; she named your Grand-Aunt Theresa after her. Whenever I am walking out in Forest in thinking of my mother, I aways smell roses even when there is not a bush around even wild roses. I know that she is telling me, she is present to me. Your Great Grand Grandma loved dance, like Grace and too she love to sing and tell stories or joke around to make us laugh. So keep up the dancing, the drawing, and simply being little girls. Love with prayers, Great-Grand Aunt Kay"

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Favorite Food? "Body and Blood of Jesus"

* Our daughter Grace (5) recently asked our daughter Paige (8), "What is your favorite food?" Paige said, "the Body and Blood of Jesus...and then mac & cheese." Jesus said to them (John 6:54), "Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day." Hopefully, the Body and Blood of Christ is our favorite food, based on eternal nourishment (top of the "food guide pyramid"!). Let's consider saying this when asked about our favorite food (hopefully they will ask why...and we will share our faith!). The word Eucharist (Body and Blood of Christ) literally means "give thanks" (to God!). Thanks be to God for Paige's gift of faith...and thanks to Paige for another great "Christian ID" tip.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Presidential Election

Ever since learning that McCain/ Palin are ProLife (unlike the Democratic candidates), Paige (8 yrs old) has been campaigning for them. She made campaign posters and taped a McCain bumper sticker to her bedroom door. However, Paige had a major set back yesterday when she found out that her sister Grace (5 yrs old) voted for Obama in the elementary school mock election. When Paige confronted her on this, Grace said, "I couldn't remember the right name!" I hope and pray that America will remember the right name today...

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Pikes Peak Marathon

Paige and Grace were great cheerleaders for Angi during the Pikes Peak Ascent and for me during the Pikes Peak Marathon. We look forward to cheering them to many finishing lines in their lives!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Putt Putt Fun!

First time with Putt Putt golf!


Paige loves to bike!

Hit the wrong Mark!

At the DFC semester kickoff picnic (Aug 08), Paige missed the mark (pinata) and hit Mark!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Letter from Bumpa

3 May 08

Dear Paige,

What a great day I had. I went to my mailbox to get my mail and there was a letter from one of my best pals. As I was reading my letter from you out dropped a picture of this real pretty girl. When I looked closer, I see it is from my sweet little Paige, and it is a picture of her. Thank you so much for the picture and the great letter. I really enjoyed both very much. We always have so much fun together. I wish you weren't so far a way. Kobe says hi and tell your Dad that he knew he [Kobe] was the MVP [Lakers].

Also thanks to Mom & Dad and Grace for the real nice card [picture of Boston Bull Terrier on front]. Kobe liked it a lot and so do I.

Please write me a letter whenever you get time. I love you a lot Paige, and I love getting a letter from you.

Hope I will always be your best pal.

Love, Bumpa

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Birthday Fruit Salad!

Paige wanted a fruit salad for her birthday cake! She also had Mommy's manicotti for her birthday dinner.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Already a Star!

When practicing for the First Holy Communion Mass, Paige was watching some of her classmates practice the prayer intentions. She leaned over and said, "I should probably do that sometime, so I have practice if I become a star [speaking in front of lots of people]." Of course, Paige is already a star...of our hearts!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

First Holy Communion

Dear Family,

An important celebration is happening this Sunday. Dearest little Paigy will be making her First Communion. As the love of God shines down and within our sweet Paigy lets flood her day with our special prayers and love!

Wish I could be there, but in my mind I can imagine the sweet purity of her sweet little face and soul.

Paigy, We will call you on your very special day with Jesus.

We love you SO SO MUCH!!
Grandma Kathy and Papa Joe
Hi, Friends in Christ:

Please join us in celebrating Paige's First Holy Communion at 1030, Sun, 4 May, St Peter Church in Monument...followed by a picnic in Fox Run Park (bring comfortable shoes if you want to play catch with the frisbee or football). The Mass will be packed, so please arrive no later than 1015 to get a seat. We will provide the picnic food and drink...just bring yourself. If the weather is bad, we will have the celebration at our house. Please let us know if you are able to attend by Wed, 30 Apr. Hope you can join this sacred event and joyful celebration!

Pat, Angi, Paige, and Grace
Phil 4:13

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Spanish teacher note

From Paige's Spanish teacher:

Hi Angi:

Paige was adorable todayJ. She drew a picture of chili pepper plants because I read them a story about them. I told her it was a great job. She gave it to me. I’ll try to show it to you soon. She’s very giving.


Monday, April 21, 2008

Dance Party

We had a dance party listening to my great birthday cd (Christian WOW) from Mom and Dad C. See attached pictures.

Birthday Squirrel

Paige bought me a stuffed animal squirrel for my birthday...with her own money (all of it)! The squirrel is significant because I call Paige and Grace my squirrels. Squirrels rhymes nicely with girls and describes some of their behaviors!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Daddy's "Antelope Eyes"

While snuggling Paige last night, she told me the my eyes were "dark like antelope eyes." That's me...the wild mountain antelope, running up Pikes Peak!

First Soccer Goal!

Paige scored the first goal of the season for her Wildcats team yesterday...her first soccer goal! Angi and I both got to see it.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Note from Mrs. Nader

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Castle,

This week we have had a few difficult times with a behavior issue. During each time, Paige has not only been respectful and responsible, she has been a leader and set an example for others to follow. When most of the class chose to take advantage of the situation, Paige pulled out a book and read. I am not only proud of her, I am very appreciative. She is an amazing young lady.

Mrs. Nader

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

New Haircut

Paige now has a bob haircut (her wish), and she loves it!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

"I like boys" happened today! Paige said, "I like boys"...after picking Mickey Mouse glass. Here we go!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Love note for car battery

Two days ago, the battery in the Honda was dead because Grace left a light on. I drove home and switched cars with Angi. I went ahead and bought a new battery because it was getting in the zone (going on 5 yrs old). While I was at RCIA that evening, Paige wrote me a note and put it in an envelope under my pillow. The envelope was addressed to "Mr. Castle, Colrado Springs, Medford 365." The return address was "the mail wroker Paige." The stamp was a drawing of a heart with "Love" inside the heart. The note said, "Dad thank you for leting me and mom and Grace yous your car. I hop the car is wrking good for ever."

Sunday, March 2, 2008

"Be like Mother Teresa."

A few months ago we all watched a movie about Mother Teresa. Afterwards, Paige prayed that she would be more like Mother Teresa. Later I gave her a picture of Mother Teresa to tape to her bedroom door next to her Disney princess poster. I recently found a note that she wrote in Dec 2007: "Be like Muther Chresa."

Paige recently received a fortune in a fortune cookie that stated, "Your happy heart brings joy and peace where there is none." That is our Paige!

"Get a big juicy elk."

I found a note today that Paige wrote me in Dec 2007: "I now you but the elke for me but I want you to havit for a memery please. Love Paige." Paige tried to give me back an elk stuffed animal that I bought her in Leadville after we saw lots of elk on the way to Leadville to go skiing. We stayed overnight at the Delaware Hotel, ate at an Italian restaurant, and had a great day of skiing with fresh powder!

On a side note, in Oct 2007 when I went elk hunting, Paige told me, "get a big juicy elk, Dad!" I was blessed to harvest a mature cow elk. I had to run and shoot through dense aspen trees. Three of my four shots were kill shots (back, lungs, neck). I laid my hand on the elk and thanked God for the provisions.

"You are my big horse."

We met Aunt Kay and Aunt Teresa for Mass and then dinner in Woodland Park yesterday. During Mass, while snuggling Paige, she said to me, "You are my big horse. You are a hero." I am honored to be her big horse while she is little...I hope to always be her hero!

* On a side note, the priest knelt down and blessed Paige during the Eucharist. Paige was genuinely touched that the priest took this effort to recognize her as a child of God!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Daddy's Driving

While we were traveling to the cabin last year, I received a speeding warning by a highway patrol near Douglas, WY. Just an hour or so later, I received a speeding ticket outside of Lusk. Since then, Paige has ensured that I drive slower by checking my speed against the speed limit signs. When coming back from the mountains a couple weeks ago, a car went by us at high speed and Paige said, "that's how you used to drive, Daddy...but now you are a great driver!"

To Grandma Kathy's Girl!!

Hi Paigy, Wow, how cool is this that you have a blog!

I am counting the days until we see you at the cabin. It is going to be so much fun. I hope you are as excited as I am.

What is your favorite treat to have?

What are you looking forward to doing at the cabin?

I am looking the most forward to giving you a really BIG HUG AND KISS.

Love you so much Paigy,
Grandma Kathy

Sunday, February 24, 2008

First Words, Blankie, First Steps

The first word for Paige was "shoes". She liked to play with the shoes lined up under a bench by our front door (base housing, Incirlik AB Turkey). Soon to follow were "hold you" instead of hold me.

Paige called her blankie "bee". Her blankie was just a little green knotted piece of yarn by the time we decommissioned it.

Paige didn't walk until about 14 months. Her first spanking was when she walked into the street in Turkey. Her second spanking was when she stomped on a bug on the sidewalk after I told her not to do that (only kill something if necessary).

Mommy's Bra

On 30 May 2002 (in Turkey), Paige held Mommy's bra up to her own chest.

Blow Your Nose

At just a couple years old, Paige would blow air up to her nose when we said, "blow your nose."

Purple Dog

On 11 Mar 2003, Paige told us that she wanted a purple dog for a pet!


Paige was named after a tender-hearted girl named Paige Seibert, whom we met when we purchased our home from her parents in 1997. Paige Seibert is now a sophmore in college.

First email from Grandma Kathy

Sent 19 Sep 2000...while stationed at Incirlik AB, Turkey.

Dear Paige,

lsssssssjdkjjnvkl;ajreio;akejkl;zauioaie;kj;laigjl;lai;jgl;eialgi4el;aoi4e;lagoiie;laugfielilj aldialwugioekluigoelaia.oak.dogioeolajoigjileioajlgjiepqopjlk;glm

'This is Grandma talk for I think you are the sweetest girl in the wholewide world and I love you and miss you very much!! Keep writing.


Saturday, February 23, 2008

Dancing with Jesus

On Thurs, 21 Feb, Angi went to the "Spirit of the Marathon" movie with her running partner Courtney. Paige, Grace, and I were jamming to some Christian music (News Boys). At one point while we were dancing, Paige and I held one hand and lift up our other hand in praise. Paige said, "Dad let's hold hands with Jesus!"